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Inside Sales Reps/CSR's Time - Is Here...!


By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 01/09/2025

Published in American Printer :  “With head-count cuts and squeezed margins, buyers are pressed for time and results. Sid reviews promoting talented, ambitious CSRs to Inside Sales roles, avoiding road hassles and leveraging their social skills. This strategy can transform your team and boost your business development.”

“If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”......Anonymous


Buyers need information – when they need it. (Pressures they are under for improved results – are relentless.) 

Buyers want “useful information” – that doesn’t waste their time.

Buyers generally don’t have time to burn with Sales Reps’ chit-chat visits, as their employers continue to slowly cut head-count, especially re. senior positions whose experience is impossible to replace, but whose pay levels may be hard to justify, when revenues and margins are being squeezed.

We’ve had recent requests to develop a Curriculum for an Inside Sales Rep/CSR Education & Training Program.

Over the last few years, we’ve encouraged several clients to offer that position to their most talented (especially re. social skills) and ambitious – CSR’s – who did NOT want to be on the road every day, fighting traffic, and away from the safety and support of their management team, and peers.

Interestingly, unlike new Sales Reps, we have experienced no failures – from those few who seized those initiatives.


 Please note: Not all CSR’s will want to move to an Inside Sales Rep/CSR position, and all that it requires – in spite of the possibilities of better pay. Not all CSR’s are “geared” to deal with lots of delayed gratification, and a good bit of initial rejection.

And not all internal management are prepared to provide the guidance, patience, and support, such a new position requires. 

But the management teams that experienced success – realized they were probably looking at a major change in their Business Development Team – including more talented women, better organization skills, and an expectation for ongoing (even relentless) education and training.



Our Inside Sales Rep/CSR Curriculum runs for almost 5 months, one session a week, for 1.5 hours, with:

  • Homework reading and study assignments – between classes.

  • More than one student from a company is allowed.

  • Curriculum available to be reviewed in advance – by prospective participating organizations.

  • Class size limited to no more than seven students.

  • Pop Quizzes – to test assignments being completed, and comprehension.

  • Open Book Mid-Term & Final Exams – to test comprehension.

  • New Account development and Improved Quote assignments – throughout the 5 months.

  • All sessions conducted on Zoom.

  • All sessions recorded, archived, and then sent to both student and student’s supervisor, for additional future review, organizationally. (Priceless.)


In the face of a faster moving business environment, what are your plans for improved Business Development – for 2025…?

“Time is the most valuable thing that we have, because it is the most irrevocable.”.......Dietrich Bonhoeffer



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